Leading users of image/optoelectronic/gas sensors, ICs, and other valuable electronic devices solder Andon sockets – not the device – onto the PCB, to avoid 1) device damage from exposure to high temp solder, ESD, and cleaning solutions, 2) device and solder joint cracking and associated intermittency caused by differences in thermal expansion between device and PCB, 3) the PC board damage and extra labor associated with desoldering a faulty device, 4) production delays associated with holding up PCB assembly until the devices arrive, and 5) excessive device heat and noise. Unique socket contact is designed to withstand high shock & vibration. Patented Heat Sink Socket® solution is designed to dissipate heat and noise without use of separate heat sink or TEC. Standard and custom sockets available for a variety of package outlines including PGA, BGA, LGA, LCC, PLCC, TO, DIP, SIP, and more.