Integrated circuit design is a process that is required for most types of semiconductor engineering today. Integrated circuit design enables the production of the simplest or most complex ICs through to provide the most efficient results in terms of size, power and cost. While it can take time to produce any chip using Integrated circuit design it’s possible to combine all elements of a board or a system into a small chip.
Some of the top concerns of an integrated circuit designer include designing circuits which eventually will be used in major electronic components. Integrated circuits are utilized in microprocessors, memories, digital, analog and mixed signal domains to name a few different types of products. The digital design of these circuits needs to maximize circuit density as well as place electronic components in their most logical order so that timing signals between electronic components can be reduced. With the most logical circuit design it’s possible that a device can not only perform much faster but also much more efficiently.
This is without a doubt a very complicated process considering many integrated circuits on a large chip as of 2009 were made up of over 1 billion transistors. The process for integrated circuits have changed dramatically over the past few years and with further miniaturization integrated circuits are growing more complicated and more difficult to design.
Currently there are a number of automated design tools (EDA) that assist in the process of producing these complicated devices. There is also a wide range of software that is used to test and verify all of the components that are utilized in every integrated circuit design. Without these types of checking tools it would take hundreds if not millions of hours to produce the same electronics which run off of production lines in mere minutes today.