Global Wafer Capacity 2019-2023

With the IC market on pace to surpass the $400 billion mark in 2018 after exceeding $300 billion just one year earlier, it is not surprising that fab capacity levels are on the rise too.  A surge in new fab construction and existing fab upgrades is underway, but will it lead to an excessive capacity situation that causes IC prices to tumble?


installed wafer capacity dec 2018

IC Insights’ newly updated Global Wafer Capacity report is an ideal tool for understanding the “new realities” of the market.  This study offers a detailed breakdown of the IC industry’s wafer fab capacity as it stood at the end of 2018 and forecasts capacity for each year through 2023.  The data were compiled, summarized, and extended into the future using both bottom-up and top-down research methodologies.  Surveys of hundreds of fabs from around the world formed the basis for analyzing the IC industry’s current capacity status.  Future projections were based on both survey results and IC Insights’ overall economic forecast for the IC industry.


The Global Wafer Capacity 2019-2023 report will greatly assist IC material and equipment suppliers in creating long-term strategic market plans by showing current industry capacity, projecting future capacity loads, and dissecting capacity data into several categories and regions.


For more information about the Global Wafer Capacity 2019-2023 report and to download a complete brochure with order form, visit http://www.icinsights.com/services/global-wafer-capacity/



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