Amplifier IP Core

The job of an amplifier IP core- as suggested by the name- is to amplify the incoming signal. It does so by electronically increasing the magnitude or the power of the signal applied at its input.


Amplifier Circuits IP Cores


Traditionally, the circuit that is employed in amplifying electronic signals is a two-sided electronic circuit. The signal is received at the input terminals. It derives power from an electronic source and uses it to increase the amplitude of this input signal, resulting in greater amplitude and subsequent power at the output terminals where the signal exits the circuit.


There are many different types of amplifier circuits which are classes based on the type of signal, the configuration of the circuit, as well as the frequency of operation. Regardless of the type, an amplifier circuit can be used as a standalone electronic device or used as a component of a larger configuration of another device.


Calculating Power Gain


In order to measure the amount of amplification that is provided to a given signal by an amplifier circuit, you need to calculate the power gain. The gain is essentially the difference between the input and the output signals because of the amplification produced by the circuit. This can be done easily as the power gain is simply the ratio of the output signal characteristics such as the voltage, current, or power, to the input signal’s respective values. Understandably, in order to be classified as a functional amplifier, the power gain of the circuit must be greater than one- as in, it should be able to demonstrate a proportional increase in the respective values of the signal.


Application of Amplifier Circuits


The applications of amplifier circuits in the modern world of advanced technology and fast paced electronic devices are practically limitless. One of the most commonly seen applications of amplifiers is in sound systems. These audio amplifiers serve to amplify sound signals, usually below 20kHz. Microwave amplifiers are used to generate high power frequencies from low microwaves. Other types include Radio Frequency amplifiers and instrumentation amplifiers.


Negative Feedback in Amplifier Circuits


Many modern amplifier circuits use a technique called negative feedback to control the power gain and improve the bandwidth of the signal. In this technique, a loop is created where some part of the output is inserted back into the circuit and it is added to the input signal in the opposite phase. While this subtraction may reduce the overall gain of the system, it also helps to reduce the distortion in the signal. Distortions are typically produced as the signal travels through the circuit and are, thus, not part of the original input. This means that when these signals are fed back into the loop, the errors are eliminated and a higher bandwidth signal is received at the output as a result of the negative feedback. In fact, with negative feedback in amplifier circuits, distortion can be brought down to a level as low as 0.001%.


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