Category Archives: Supply Chain

ASIC Model vs. COT Model

Each semiconductor company reaches at some point to the manufacturing dilemma – how to go into production in the cheapest, most efficient and highest quality way? Is it using an external full turnkey partner – e.g ASIC model, or work directly with semiconductor suppliers –  e.g. COT model.
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Chipmaker Allwinner is Enabling a $79 Laptop

Allwinner Technology, a Chinese fabless semiconductor company that design and manufacture SoC processors announced a new laptop that could cost $79. Since its founding in 2007, Allwinner has released more than 15  SoC processors that have been widely implemented in Android-based tablets, as well as in smartphones, laptops and more.
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Glassify’s Brewing a Semiconductor Beer Glass

Israeli start-up Glassify joined the IoT revolution and introduces the first beer glass integrating a semiconductor chip. The beer glass allows consumers to connect the glass to the smartphone using NFC technology.

According to the company the new beer glass allows consumer to enjoy a more personal

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Understanding IC Cost

There have been many debates around the final cost of an IC. Over the years the misconception and failure to agree on what the calculated IC cost would be. The reason for this is that ICs are a simple concept anymore. Technology moves at an extremely fast pace and chip

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IC Price Calculator (Free)

The IC Price Calculator is based on a standard price model that consists of all the required steps in IC manufacturing:

Wafer Price
Assembly/Package Price
Test Price

The IC Price Calculator  is very easy to use  and provides quick price estimate of IC price.
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Freescale to Improve Semiconductor Manufacturing Utilization

Optimal+, a leader in Manufacturing Intelligence solutions, today announced that it was selected by Freescale® Semiconductor to deliver their enterprise software suite to enhance the efficiency of their global manufacturing operations. In a move intended to improve the utilization of Freescale’s manufacturing equipment worldwide, the two companies signed a multi-year

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