Write for AnySilicon

AnySilicon is operating a truly unbiased semiconductor blog focused on ASIC design and manufacturing topics. We welcome individuals and companies to take part in our knowledge ecosystem and submit technical or marketing articles in the following areas:


  • IC design
  • IC verification
  • IP Cores
  • Wafer technology
  • Packaging/assembly
  • Production testing
  • Full turnkey services
  • Qualification
  • Failure analysis


Contributed content will receive credit in the form of the writer’s name, contact information and link to a web site.


We allow individual authors to add a Blogger title to their Linkedin profile with AnySilicon company name.


Target Audience

AnySilicon targets ASIC/IC engineers and managers, fabless companies, IDMs and individuals interested in learning more about semiconductors and the realization of ASICs.



We offer two broad content categories – technical and marketing/business.


  • Technical articles provide readers with a general overview or technical explanations of topics related to ASIC implementation, methods, and new technologies. For example: how would one select a probe card for production testing; what are the benefits of 3D packages; what is MIM cap and when should it be used? ASIC design tips? and so on. Other articles may help readers in various decision points, such as: selecting BGA or QFN, foundry A or B, 65nm or 40nm, multi-site testing vs single-site etc.


  • Marketing/Business oriented articles focus on the business side of the semiconductor industry. An article can provide, for example, a forecast or an analysis of trends in the semiconductor market;  insight into emerging business models, such as: ASIC vs. COT; observations regarding the impact of new trends, players, market events, etc.


Copyright issues

All content should be original and you should own the copyrights. If your article has already been published elsewhere, and the publisher holds the copyright, make sure you have permission to publish your content on AnySilicon.com.



Additional Tips


  1. The first time an acronym is use in an article, it should be spelled out and explained.
  2. Visuals always increase readership and attention. Make sure to include at least one good-quality visual or illustration within the article. Avoid complex architecture diagrams that are unreadable.
  3. Use real-world examples to explain concepts, and ideas.
  4. Include your name, and contact info for readers to contact.


Submitting an Article – a Checklist

  1. Send your article in MS Word format or share a GoogleDoc. Either embed or add references to figures.
  2. Send separate files of illustrations/visuals saved as JPG or png files. Please e-mail graphic files separately – even if you embedded them in your doc.



Naman Gupta – https://anysilicon.com/lock-latch-implication-timing/

Reid Wender (Triad Semiconductor) – How to Design and Make a Custom Analog IC in 44 Days

Kurt Shuler (Arteris) – What Does It Cost You When Your SoC is Late to Market


We are looking forward to hearing from you here


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