Finland: Fab expansion adding 200 mm wafer capacity significantly

Okmetic is currently building a fab expansion, that will more than double our Vantaa site capacity. The fab expansion will be in operation in 2025 and focus on 200 mm crystal growth as well as 200 mm SSP and DSP wafers.


Vantaa site in summer 2024


In addition to own production capacity, Okmetic also uses long-term subcontracting partners in Asia to support its customers in varying market and demand situations. This so-called fab-lite model has been part of Okmetic production strategy since 2004. It adds flexibility to operations and enables Okmetic to offer additional SSP capacity for varying market and demand situations. In this model, all crystals are grown in Vantaa but 150-200 mm SSP wafering is outsourced. 


Similarly to the products that are produced entirely at the Vantaa plant, Okmetic offers full support for subcontracted wafers. Okmetic is in charge of the whole process including partnership, project and quality management, customer technical support as well as order and delivery. Okmetic guarantees the quality of the outsourced wafers and services. Okmetic has long-term contracts with all of its fab-lite partners. The partners have been tested thoroughly and are audited regularly. Our fab-lite partners hold all relevant quality and environmental certificates.

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