Category Archives: ASIC Design

Avnet ASIC Team Launches Ultra-Low-Power Design Services for TSMC’s 4nm Process Node


Avnet ASIC, a division of Avnet Silica, an Avnet company (NASDAQ: AVT), today announced that it has launched its new ultra-low-power design services for TSMC’s cutting-edge 4nm and below process technologies. These services are designed to enable customers to achieve exceptional power efficiency and performance in their high-performance applications, such as blockchain

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Place and Route: Ultimate Guide

Place and route is an important part of the ASIC design flow and act as both mapmaker and builder within the silicon landscape, determining where components reside and how they connect while meeting stringent technical requirements. Its role is pivotal; without effective practices here, the most innovative chip designs could

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ASIC Design for Silicon Photonics

Imagine a world where data moves at the speed of light—literally. Silicon photonics makes this possible, merging optics with the familiar silicon used in traditional electronics.
This advanced technology, originating from the 1980s, stands today as a pivotal innovation in microelectronics. It offers faster data transfer rates and lower

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An Introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms

By Christos Kasparis, EnSilica
EETimes (May 15, 2024)
The rise of quanum computing paints a significant challenge for the cryptography we rely on today. The modern encryption standards we currently use to safeguard sensitive data and communications, such as DSA, public key RSA and those based on elliptic curves,

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Avnet ASIC Israel Ltd. (“AAI”) Joins AnySilicon to Expand ASIC SoC Service Reach

AnySilicon, the leading platform for ASIC service providers, is delighted to announce its partnership with Avnet ASIC Israel, a distinguished leader in semiconductor design, manufacturing solutions and TSMC VCA. By joining AnySilicon, Avnet ASIC Israel gains access to a comprehensive suite of marketing promotion services aimed at showcasing its offerings,

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Driving Innovation in IC Design: Insights from CoreHW’s VP of Sales and Marketing

This interview was held with CoreHW’s VP of Sales and Marketing, Mr. Tomi Moilanen.

Can you provide an overview of CoreHW’s experience and expertise in IC design? What sets CoreHW apart in terms of its capabilities and track record in this field?
CoreHW, founded in Finland

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