Chip IP

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72 results found

Weasic Microelectronics


Weasic is the mmWave ASIC enabler. WEASIC IP blocks and Services enable all steps from Concept to Silicon production and assist semiconductor and system companies to shrink the product design cycle


ASIC Design, Package Design

IP Cores

PLL Synthesizers, Front-End Modules (Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers), Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs), Power Amplifiers (PAs), Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs), Bandgap Voltage Reference (BGR), Voltage Regulators, Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs)

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Tusk IC


Tusk IC is a fabless millimeter wave IC design company, providing design services from 10GHz-600GHz in Silicon technologies.


mmWave ASIC design services, ASIC prototype characterization, mmWave markets

IP Cores

60GHz Power Amplifier, 100+GHz transceivers for Gbps communication links, THz transmitter

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Advanced Sensor Integrations


ASI develops custom Analog and Mixed-Signal IC chips & IP blocks. Company is located in San Jose since 2008.


Analog ASIC Design and Turnkey Solution, Low Power Analog IP Design

IP Cores

High Speed SAR ADC, Low Power SAR ADC, Low Power Fuel Gauge Colomb Counter, Low Power 32KHz Crystal Oscillator and RTC Oscillator, Battery Monitoring System BMS AFE, Digital Isolator with/without Analog AFE

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Radio Analog Micro Electronics


RAME srl is a fabless ASIC & IP design company specializing in frequency synthesizers, energy-efficient power management and AD converters.


Design Service, Layout Implementation and Verification Service, Pre-Silicon Validation Service, ASIC Testing Service

IP Cores

Low-Power Low-PhaseNoise VCO 1.5-1.9 GHz

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Technology leader in compression and cryptography, intoPIX delivers cost-effective silicon IP-cores answering specific and advanced AV applications.

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