The future of Semiconductor Packaging, Assembly and Test in the European Semiconductor Eco-System

Since mid of last year, our member ESPAT-Consulting is dedicating significant resources to SEMI Europe GmbH in Berlin, Germany, as one of the seven consortium core members of the EU CHIPS ACT driven Horizon Europe – Chips Joint Undertaking (JU) – Coordination and Support Action (CSA) – Project Pack4EU (Link: https://pack4eu.eu/). He is asking the AnySilicon community to also support this project.


The project is building a “Pan-European Network for Advanced Packaging made in Europe”, analysing Semiconductor Packaging demand and offer sides and identifying the gaps in the European Semiconductor Eco-System, giving guidance and delivering the awaited urgent results through policy recommendations, the “Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Master Plan for Europe”, targeting to boost Semiconductor Packaging in Europe and reduce existing dependence from other regions.


If you are part of the European Semiconductor Eco-System and involved in Packaging, Assembly and Test, please support our analysis of the Semiconductor Packaging demand and offer sides and gap identification by participating in the survey: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/PACK4EUSurvey2023

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