IP cores

The richest directory of IP Cores worldwide. Find the IP Cores that matches your needs.

67 results found



LinearASICs brings more than 25 years of experience in providing a full turn-key ASIC design service with extensive expertise in Analog & Mixed-Signal semiconductors.


Analog / Mixed Signal ASIC Design, Circuit Design, Back-End Services, Custom PDK and PCELL, Low Cost ASIC or ASSP, Smart Integrated Power

IP Cores

Analog Signal Path IP (Amplifiers, ADCs, DACs, LDOs)

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Radio Analog Micro Electronics


RAME srl is a fabless ASIC & IP design company specializing in frequency synthesizers, energy-efficient power management and AD converters.


Design Service, Layout Implementation and Verification Service, Pre-Silicon Validation Service, ASIC Testing Service

IP Cores

Low-Power Low-PhaseNoise VCO 1.5-1.9 GHz

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Tusk IC


Tusk IC is a fabless millimeter wave IC design company, providing design services from 10GHz-600GHz in Silicon technologies.


mmWave ASIC design services, ASIC prototype characterization, mmWave markets

IP Cores

60GHz Power Amplifier, 100+GHz transceivers for Gbps communication links, THz transmitter

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iSine was founded in 1981 to provide ASIC design, development and manufacturing solutions. Patented LED ballast chips are in production.


Fabless Semicoductor Supplier, Design Services – Analog & Digital ASIC design, Design Services – FPGAs, Design Services – IC Lifecycle Management – EOL Redesign

IP Cores

Analog IP Cores, Digital IP Cores

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Atek Midas


ATEK is a tech company, working on high frequency circuit design. ATEK focuses on providing design and development services from RFIC/MMIC components to Microwave/mm-wave Subsystems based on customer needs.


MMIC Design and Productization from DC to 90 GHz, RF/Microwave Module/Sub-system Design and Productization

IP Cores

Wideband and Narrowband GaN Power Amplifier MMIC, Wideband and Narrowband GaN Driver Amplifier MMIC, Wideband and Narrowband GaAs Driver Amplifier MMIC, GaAs Switchable RF Filter MMIC, GaAs SPDT SWITCH MMIC, GaAs Voltage Variable Attenuators (VVAs) MMIC

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